What I Offer

I offer Traditional Chinese Acupressure, Flower Essences, Herbal and Dietetics consultations to support all kinds of physical and emotional issues, like aches, pains, insomnia, allergies, digestive disorders, menstrual irregularities, fertility, Long Covid, addiction, depression, anxiety and trauma, whether they are acute or chronic. I love Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) because it takes into account the complete holistic picture and energetically empowers the body’s natural ability to heal itself. 

  • Acupressure, the mother of Acupuncture, is a type of bodywork involving touch and stimulation of acupoints along pathways called meridians. These points and channels are stimulated to tonify, disperse, redirect and move energy throughout the body. Sessions typically last 1 hour (including a check-in and any debrief at the end). This body work takes place clothed, on a massage table, and sometimes will include additional techniques, including Cupping, Gua Sha and Moxibustion.

  • I use Dietetics and Herbs through both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western lenses to consider the energetic aspects of food and plants, and make custom suggestions. I aim to empower clients to be curious and mindful eaters, and to offer information, blends and recipes which take into account the big picture of each given client and their own unique concerns and tastes.

  • Flower Essence Remedies (taken as drops in water/tea) support the emotions; I match individual or combinations of essences with clients' constitutions and their specific circumstances. Sessions include follow up with check-ins for reflection and to assist as things shift. TCM upholds the idea that intense and unexpressed emotions can manifest physically within the body. Flower Remedies can be used exclusively and as a compliment to other modalities to broaden the scope and level out the big healing picture.

elly.acupressure@gmail.com / 646.842.1532